Monochromatic painting
It's not all black and white. MISSA BREVE monochrome Original Oil on Canvas 34" x 27" Click on the image to view details HERCULIDAE...

Saving the Rainforest
RAINFOREST Click on the image to view details The world's rainforests are currently disappearing at a rate of 6000 acres every hour (this...

Sine Nomine Boston Chorus performs to a tune of Tomasz Rut's paintings
Sine Nomine Chorus refers to a large body of singers or a piece of music composed for such a choir, in contrast to principal singers or...

Tomasz Rut: The New Age of Aestheticism
We were flattered by Mr. Maneos’ critical essay, just published in Huffington Post, which reflects our views on the contemporary art...

My tribute to Muhammad Ali
I am the greatest, I said that even before I knew I was. (M.A.) I was saddened by the passing of our great sports legend. But even before...

Brittney Spears' selfies with "Luminaris"
We were flattered to hear from Billboard Magazine inquiring about TR’s painting hanging behind the pop music sensation in several of her...

Neo-kitsch and the return to the Classics
noun: kitsch art, objects, or design considered to be in poor taste because of excessive garishness or sentimentality, but sometimes...

The Butterfly Man
THE BUTTERFLY MAN Drawing from Tomasz Rut's private collection The butterfly man exists He has the most beautiful wings, Of amethyst......

New color studies
DYA STUDY Click on the image to view details It’s a fresh approach. I’ve experimented with different renditions of my subject matter at...

The perfect harmony of canvas and brush
Music serves as a perfect vehicle for Rut’s pursuit of a spiritual meaning in his art. The musician in his paintings represents both, the...